Biology, asked by sampamandal8942, 4 hours ago

Question 5:
Force of gravitation acts between any two masses in the universe.
Which of the following is true for the pendulum bobs hanging from the ceiling?​


Answered by bhadouriyaspsingh


Gravitation force acts as a restoring force in this case


option c

Answered by mapooja789



Gravitation, or simply gravity, is the force of attraction that exists between any two bodies. All objects in the universe attract each other with a certain amount of force, but due to the extremely large distance between them, the force is usually too weak to be observed. Furthermore, gravity's range is infinite, but the effect weakens as objects move away.


Sir Isaac Newton discovered this force of attraction and presented it as Newton's law of gravitation in 1680. However, gravitation can exist in two different ways.

1. Gravitation is the earth's attraction to objects.

  • Example:
  • When a body (ball) is thrown upwards, it reaches a certain height before falling downwards due to the earth's gravity.

2. Gravitation can be defined as the attraction of objects in space.

  • Example:
  • Attraction between the other planets and the sun.


  • The reason, in my opinion, is that the motion of a satellite is considered to be (but is not actually a free fall). That is why the astronauts experience weightlessness in space.
  • Because it is a free - falling motion, there is really no gravity pulling them downwards. The only force acting on them is the repulsive force caused by the same charged bobs, and the maximum distance between both the bobs is a straight line. As a result, they become perfectly horizontal.
  • It must also be noted that the satellite is moving in a straight line.


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