English, asked by krupa358sarjare, 1 year ago

Question 6: Many entrepreneurs, from ignorance or from too much confidence in their forces reach a setback due to improper management business growth and development? अज्ञान प्रबंधन व्यवसाय विकास और विकास के कारण अज्ञानता से या अपने बलों में बहुत अधिक आत्मविश्वास से कई उद्यमी झटके तक पहुंच जाते हैं?


Answered by AadilPradhan

Business Management of Entrepreneurs

  1. Entrepreneurs are the young youth who opt to enter in Business filed in their early age. They are the people who take the responsibility of business immediately after completion of their studies.
  2. These entrepreneurs will not have experience in dealing with the business management. But they are young and energetic to take responsibility of any kind.
  3. Proper management and planning plays an important role in success of any business.
  4. Every entrepreneurs should be trained and educated in such a way that they manage their business with good management skills.
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