CBSE BOARD XII, asked by aaliya33, 6 months ago

Question 8:
is a contract between two parties, especially in different countries involving transfer of rights and resources
O Turnkey
O Franchising
O Acquistion
O Mergers​


Answered by najibmondal075


Fuels and their uses.

Ans. We generally burn substances in order to obtain heat and light energy. Such substances are called fuels. Ex. Wood, coal, LPG, CNG, petroleum etc.

Wood: it is widely used as a cooking fuel. When it is burned, it releases carbon dioxide and water vapour along with energy.

Coal : it is mainly used in power generating station. When it burnt it releases a lot of heat, hens burning of coal result in air pollution.

LPG: liquefied petroleum gas. It is used in houses for cooking food. LPG on burning also keeps out carbon dioxide water vapour and heat energy.


Question 8:

is a contract between two parties, especially in different countries involving transfer of rights and resources

O Turnkey

O Franchising

O Acquistion

O Mergers

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