Question and answer of ingenious scientist written by Nathaniel Hawthorne?
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Model Question Paper
B.A.IV Semester
English Basic
Text:Portraits in Prose by S.Jagadisan
Max. Marks .
Que.I Answer the following questions in a word or a phrase each : 1 X 10= 10
1) What did Newton contrive to make with a set of little tools?
2) At what age did Newton die?
3) Who is the author of Anna Karenina?
4) How did the poor look on Vinoba?
5) Which Hospital was Kamala admitted in?
6) Which book was being read to Kamala by Jawaharlal?
7) When did Teresa become nun?
8) When did Teresa Walk into the Calcutta slum?
9) What did Martin Luther King believe in?
10) Who nurtured Martin Luther King?
Que. II Answer the following questions in a sentence or two: 2X5=10
How did Newton appear in his early years?
2) What was Tolstoy’s dream in life?
3) What did Vinoba appeal to the landlords of Hyderabad?
4) What was ‘life’ to both Kamala and Nehru?
5) How did the blacks help in building America?
Que.III What is Newton’s contribution to the world of Science? 10
Sketch the character of Kamala .
Que. IV Write a note on Mother Teresa’s selfless service to the poor and
the neglected. 10
Consider Martin Luther King as a peaceful warrior.
Que. V Write short notes on any TWO of the following: 2 X 5 = 10
1) The Land Gift’s Mission.
2) Paradox in Tolstoy’s mental make-up.
3) Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi
4) Tolstoy’s writings.
Que. VI.a) Frame questions so as to get the underlined words as answers: 1X5=05
1) Manoj wrote a letter to Mahesh.
2) Mysore Palace is a tourist point.
3) The picnic was cancelled due to bad weather.
4) The students go to the college by bus.
5) The College Annual Day will be celebrated on 20th December.
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