Question: _____ are birds which are famous for performing a ritualized mating dance.
Answer :
The following birds are famous for performing a ritualized mating dance :
Many birds have a ritualized dance form which is a part of courtship display.
1. Frigate bird – the Male birds of this species inflate the kidney-shaped pouches on their chests and dance on their nest to attract the female birds flying in the sky.
2. Flamingos – the flamingos indulge in a ritualized mating dance by stretching their necks and flipping their heads.
3. Albatross – the albatrosses being their mating ritual with mutual grooming and then break into a dance which involves opening and closing of their beaks.
4. Peacocks – the male peacock opens out its vividly colored feathers and dances in a circular motion in order to attract the female peahen.
5. Red-Capped Manakin – The males attract their female counterparts through swift dance movements.