Question asking me this
Create a horizontal line across middle of the entire form.
To code this the ____ values are the same.
pls find the answer for the blank
hr attribute1=”..” attribute2=”..”>
Inserts a horizontal line.
size=”..” ; the thickness of the line.
color=”..” ; line color, Internet Explorer only.
width=”..” ; the length of the line.
align=”..” ; alignment of line: RIGHT, LEFT, or CENTER.
noshade ; make a solid line.
The SIZE is measured in pixels. Try using 3, 5, or maybe 10 to see what thickness’ you like. The COLOR attribute will only work with the Internet Explorer browser so I wouldn’t use it unless absolutely necessary. The COLOR should be in hexadecimal form.
I use WIDTH attribute much more than any of the others. The WIDTH can be entered in pixels or as a percentage of the browser’s window width. Here are some examples with the WIDTH attribute used.
And, here’s the code.
<hr width=”300″>
And, here’s the code.
<hr width=”75%”>
I really like to use the percentages, because it makes your web page seem to fit to the viewers browser. To see what I mean, increase or decrease the width of your browser window by clicking the edge of the window and dragging it to the right or left. Watch how the line created with a percentage adjusts to the width of the browser window.
The ALIGN attribute is also very useful. It allows you to justify your line to the RIGHT , LEFT, or CENTER. For most browser’s, CENTER is the default and is not needed in the <hr> command. NOSHADE is the last attribute and it make the line solid instead of having a shading effect.
More examples:
Some more examples are shown below. The HTML code for each is shown indented and in bold. I hope this helps.
<hr width=”200″ align=”left”>
<hr width=”25%” align=”right”>
<hr size=”10″>
<hr size=”10″ noshade>
To make a horizontal line in mathematics you require some sort of constant function. Where no matter the input x the output y will always equal to a certain number n.
For eg. consider n =
2. Hence the graph of line has an equation of y = n making it always intercept in (x, n). As x increases the y is the same therefore the horizontal infinite line emerges.So to plot or code this kind of program you need to have the same values of y therefore y is a constant function.
HOpe iT HelP YOu DEaR ✌