English, asked by hammadpointet, 6 months ago

question from the adventures of Robin Hood by Howard pyle.
correct answer will get 5 stars and spams or irrelevant answers will be reported​



Answered by yourstrulymh3103

it is said in the story that

little john respected robin hood and had a strong desire to meet him once in a lifetime and when they meet on a bridge it was an unexpected one robin hood lost the fight and fell down in the river when little john learnt that it was robin hood himself with whom he fought he was embarrassed and felt guilty but it was robin who comforted him

robin hood kind of had a strong brotherly feeling for him

he appointed him for most of his works and specially the most important ones

their brotherhood is seen in many such contexts

i hope it was of help

if not then please don't  report me as spam i did as much as i could and as much as i know

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