Physics, asked by himanshu966916, 4 months ago


If x(t) is a periodic signal with even symmetry, then, its Fourier series expansion will​


Answered by bharatbiwal2018


(1)not have any sine component

(2)not have any cosine component

(3)not have any dc component

(4)have only even harmomic component

Answered by vaibhavsemwal


1.) will not have any sine term

2.) will contain only cosine terms.


Fourier expansion : f(x) = \frac{a_0}{2} + \Sigma a_n cos(nx) +\Sigma b_n sin(nx)

Given: x(t) is an even function.

A function is called even if f(−t)=f(t)

which means, x(-t)=x(t)

we know,

  • The product of two even or two odd functions is even.
  • The product of an even and an odd function is odd.

Coefficient of fourier expansion: a_n =\frac{2}{\pi} \int\limits^{\pi}_0 {x(t)cos(nt)} \, dt

and b_n =\frac{2}{\pi} \int\limits^{\pi}_0 {x(t)sin(nt)} \, dt

Here, if x(t) is an even function then, then the integration term becomes  odd; x(t)sin(nt) = even*odd = odd

This makes the coefficient a_n =0. Hence, all the sine terms diappears.


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