Imagine you are the secretary of the science club of your school and that your club had decided to visit a near by glass factory to study how glass is made. Write a letter to the manager of glass factory seeking permission to visit it provide all relevant information about your club that he may require.
Westminister High
13 November 2020
The Manager
The Glass Factory Corp.
Subject: To obtain relevant information in order to pay a visit.
Respected Manager,
The science group of our school, with the permission of our principal, has decided to pay a visit to your factory. They are currently learning topics involving the material your company produces and we've hence decided it would be great if we could have practical experience, visiting your factory and observing how you make them.
Beforehand, it would also be helpful if you could provide us with the relevant information needed:
- entry fee
- entrants limit [if any]
- required documents [if required]
- any important warnings or points to be remembered during the visit
- permission to use cameras/phones
We would be obliged if you could send the above to the same address at the earliest. We will then inform you accordingly when we would be visiting.
Vanessa - 11 D
Science Club