English, asked by proudboy725, 6 months ago

question in one word
who was the 'self possessed' young lady ​


Answered by Anonymous



"My aunt will be down presently, Mr. Nuttel," said a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen; "in the meantime you must try and put up with me."

Here the child's voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human.

Vera is calm, cool, poised, relaxed and sophisticated for her age. The main purpose for presenting the character this way is for the sake of contrast. When the three hunters appear outside the house, all heading towards the open window with their guns, Vera's apparent loss of her self-possession is all the more effective. It is also believable, because we know that Vera is not really as self-possessed as she is trying to appear.  

The child was staring out through the open window with a dazed horror in her eyes.

This goggle-eyed, open-mouthed look of "dazed horror" convinces Framton that these are the very same three men who were supposedly killed three years ago.

"In crossing the moor to their favourite snipe-shooting ground they were all three engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog."

They are the same three men that Vera's rattle-brained aunt has supposedly been expecting to return for tea for all those years. It is the look of horror on the heretofore self-possessed young girl's face that communicates fear to Framton and makes him flee for his life.

Vera can talk about the men being engulfed in a bog without showing much emotion, because she was not there when it happened and claims to know only what her aunt told her.

"Poor dear aunt, she has often told me how they went out..."

But when the three hunters actually appear outside, Vera can act incredulous and horrified for Framton's benefit. The girl knew she was going to have to fake such a look when the time came. Maybe she had already practiced it in the mirror and was just waiting for the proper opportunity to arrive.

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