English, asked by kiranqueen, 3 months ago

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Answered by Incomprehensible001

Hello Kiran, ✍

1. Which nation is on the brink of destruction?

  • The nation that thinks it knows everything is on the brink of destruction.

2. What must we do when we take anything from others?

  • We must mould it after our own way.

3. What is useless according to the writer?

  • According to the writer it is useless to swallowing the doctrines of others.

4. What does imitation lead to?

  • Imitation is not civilization. It is a sign of awful degradation in man.

5. Who is considered to be already dead even while he is alive?

  • A person who refuses to learn is considered to be already dead even when he is alive.

6. Find from the given passage the synonyms for the following words :

(i) beliefs (ii) copy

  • Beliefs - Doctrines
  • Copy - Imitation

7. Find from the given passage the antonyms for the following words :

(i) monotony

(ii) ordinary

  • Monotony - Variation
  • Ordinary - Great
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