question no. 6 please explain

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Hi friend,
These type of questions can be done both by logic and trial and error method
So,doing form options
1)511 nearest square number is 529=23² so you need to add 18 to make 511 a perfect square.
2)7172 so it is big number so its perfect value will be between 81 to 85 as 80²=6400 so nearest square is 85²=7225 so you need to add 53 .
3)55078 as 23²=529 230²=5290 so perfect square of 55078 will lie between 234 and 235 so here logic comes into picture as value of number increases difference between consecutive perfect square increases as result for a non-perfect square number you need to add a number with larger value to make it a perfect square.So, 235²=55225 so you need to add 147 to 55078 to make it a perfect square.
These type of questions can be done both by logic and trial and error method
So,doing form options
1)511 nearest square number is 529=23² so you need to add 18 to make 511 a perfect square.
2)7172 so it is big number so its perfect value will be between 81 to 85 as 80²=6400 so nearest square is 85²=7225 so you need to add 53 .
3)55078 as 23²=529 230²=5290 so perfect square of 55078 will lie between 234 and 235 so here logic comes into picture as value of number increases difference between consecutive perfect square increases as result for a non-perfect square number you need to add a number with larger value to make it a perfect square.So, 235²=55225 so you need to add 147 to 55078 to make it a perfect square.
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