Question number 1:
Inventory is considered an important driver of supply chain performance. Effective inventory management facilitates the firms to bring a balance between demand and supply. On the basis of online data availability, select any organization and analyze its inventory management strategies. (10marks).
Length of the answer: Between 250 and 300 words
Marks distribution of the question is as follows:
Originality: 3
References: 1
Analysis of inventory management strategies of the selected organization: 6
Supply chain capabilities are guided by the decisions you make regarding the five supply chain drivers. Each of these drivers can be developed and managed to emphasize responsiveness or efficiency depending on changing business requirements. As you investigate how a supply chain works, you learn about the demands it faces and the capabilities it needs to be successful. Adjust the supply chain drivers as needed to get those capabilities.
The five drivers provide a useful framework for thinking about supply chain capabilities. Decisions made about how each driver operates will determine the blend of responsiveness and efficiency a supply chain is capable of achieving. The five drivers are illustrated in the diagram below:
A module showing the flow between the working components of a supply chain.
1. PRODUCTION – This driver can be made very responsive by building factories that have a lot of excess capacity and use flexible manufacturing techniques to produce a wide range of items. To be even more responsive, a company could do their production in many smaller plants that are close to major groups of customers so delivery times would be shorter. If efficiency is desirable, then a company can build factories with very little excess capacity and have those factories optimized for producing a limited range of items. Further efficiency can also be gained by centralizing production in large central plants to get better economies of scale, even though delivery times might be longer.
[Simulate decisions about production in SCM Globe by defining different products and facilities in the supply chain, and select locations for the facilities that make those products.]
2. INVENTORY – Responsiveness can be had by stocking high levels of inventory for a wide range of products. Additional responsiveness can be gained by stocking products at many locations so as to have the inventory close to customers and available to them immediately. Efficiency in inventory management would call for reducing inventory levels of all items and especially of items that do not sell as frequently. Also, economies of scale and cost savings can be gotten by stocking inventory in only a few central locations such as regional distribution centers (DCs).
[Decisions about inventory are simulated by setting production rates and delivery schedules for products, and by defining on-hand amounts for different products at facilities throughout the supply chain.]
3. LOCATION – A location decision that emphasizes responsiveness would be one where a company establishes many locations that are close to its customer base. For example, fast-food chains use location to be very responsive to their customers by opening up lots of stores in high volume markets. Efficiency can be achieved by operating from only a few locations and centralizing activities in common locations. An example of this is the way e-commerce retailers serve large geographical markets from only a few central locations that perform a wide range of activities.