English, asked by nagarajrupanagudi24, 4 months ago

Q. Each of these questions are based on the information given below.
A,B,C,D and E are five men sitting in a line facing to south - While M, N, O, P and Q are five ladies sitting in a second line parallel to the first line and are facing
B who is just next to the left of D, is opposite to Q.
C and N are diagonally opposite to each other.
E is opposite to o who is just next right of M
P who is just to the left of Q, is opposite to D.
Mis at one end of the line,
Who is seating just opposite P
Choose one


Answered by Rahulown


Each of these questions are based on the information given below:

A ,B, C, D and E are five men sitting in a line facing to south - while M, N, O, P and Q are five ladies sitting in a second line parallel to the first line and are facing to North.

B who is just next to the left of D, is opposite to Q.

C and N are diagonally opposite to each other.

E is opposite to O who is just next right of M.

P who is just to the left of Q, is opposite to D.

M is at one end of the line.


Who is sitting third to the right of O ?

A. Q

B. N

C. M

D. Data inadequate

Answer: Option B


If B shifts to the place of E, E shifts to the place of Q, and Q shifts to the place of B, then who will be the second to the left of the person opposite to O ?

A. Q

B. P

C. E

D. D

Answer: Option A


Which of the following pair is diagonally opposite to each other ?





Answer: Option D


If O and P, A and E and B and Q interchange their positions, then who will be the second person to the right of the person who is opposite to the person second of the right of P ?

A. D

B. A

C. E

D. O

Answer: Option B


In the original arrangement who is sitting just opposite to N ?

A. B

B. A

C. C

D. D

Answer: Option B

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