History, asked by DhrumilHeliya17, 3 months ago

Question 1:
Fill in the blanks:-
(a) __________ and __________ came face-to-face at Panipat in 1526 CE.
(b) __________ was a Rajput stronghold in Malwa under __________.
(c) The rebellious __________ in Bihar and Bengal posed a threat to Babur’s authority.
(d) __________ was nominated by Babur as his successor to the throne.
(e) In 1542 CE, __________ was born to Humayun and his wife, Hamida Banu.

Question 2:
Name the following:-
(a) The founder of the Mughal Empire.
(b) Babur’s memoirs written in Turkish.
(c) The chief of the Afghans.
(d) The powerful ruler of Gujarat and Malwa.
(e) A detailed account of Humayun’s life.

Question 3:
Answer in short:-
(a) Why did Daulat Khan Lodi invite Babur to invade India?
(b) What was the significance of the First Battle of Panipat?
(c) Why was the Battle of Khanwa a more decisive battle than the Battle of Panipat?

Question 4:
Answer in detail:-
(a) Write a brief account of Babur’s early life.
(b) How did Humayun manage to return to India?​


Answered by miwviratdude
Hi I will send u the last one you are in my name issued and you have to call them back and let them have them in your account
Answered by udaysinghsisodiya998


1.Babur and Lodi

2.Medini Rai or Medini Rao , the lordship of rana shanga

3. Battle of ghagra

4.Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur

5. Akbar

1. The First Battle of Panipat was fought between the invading forces of Babur and the Lodi Empire, which took place on 21 April 1526 in North India. It marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire.

2. Medini Rai or Medini Rao (died 1528) was a Vassal of Rajput king of Mewar Rana Sanga. He ruled Much of the Malwa under the lordship of Rana Sanga, who helped him in defeating Sultan of Malwa and conquering Malwa. Chanderi was his capital

3. Battle of Ghagra : The Afghans had control over Bihar and Bengal and they posed a threat to Babur's authority

4. Babur born Zahīr ud-Dīn Muhammad, was the founder of the Mughal Empire and first ... Babur was able to secure his throne mainly because of help from his ... This was his eldest son and heir, Humayun

5. Here, in the household of a Hindu Rajput nobleman, Humayun's wife Hamida Bano, daughter of a Sindhi family, gave birth to the future Emperor Akbar on 15 October 1542

Answer: Name the following

1. Babur


3.Abdullah Abdullah

4.Muzaffar Shah

5.himayun'tomb (not sure)


1. Babar (1526-1530):

the great grandson of Tamerlane and Genghis Khan, was the first Mughal emperor in India. He confronted and defeated Lodhi in 1526 at the first battle of Panipat, and so came to establish the Mughal Empire in India. Babar ruled until 1530, and was succeeded by his son Humayun

2. Bāburnāmah originally was written in Chagatai Turkish and was translated into Persian during the reign of the Mughal emperor Akbar.

3. Abdullah Abdullah

Preceded by Position established

Chief Executive Officer of Afghanistan

In office 29 September 2014 – 11 March 2020

President Ashraf Ghani

4. Muzaffar Shah II and his successors

Khalil Khan, son of Mahmud Begada succeeded his father with the title Muzaffar Shah II. In 1519, Rana Sanga of Chittor defeated a joint army of Malwa and Gujarat sultanates and took Mahmud Shah II of Malwa captive.

5. Humayun

Humayun lost Mughal territories to Sher Shah Suri, but regained them 15 years later with Safavid aid. Humayun's return from Persia was accompanied by a ...

Answer: Answer in short

1. Ibrahim Lodhi was the ruler of Delhi at this time. He did not have good relations with his nobles. Thus Daulat Khan Lodhi, governor of Punjab invited Babur to undertake a full-scale invasion in order to take revenge

2. The First Battle of Panipat was fought between the invading forces of Babur and the Lodi Empire, which took place on 21 April 1526 in North India. It marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire. This was one of the earliest battles involving gunpowderfirearms and field artillery.

3. . It ended the Delhi Sultanate and established the Mughal rule in India. · 2. Gun powder, field artillery and matchlocks were used

Answer: Answer in detail

1. Babur lost his father when he was eleven years old and at that tender age, he became the ruler of a small principality in Central Asia called Farghana which he inherited from his father. He was also able to fulfill his dream of conquering Samarkand when he was just 14 years old

2. Humayun kept his army out of reach of the artillery of Bahadur Shah and stopped his supplies. Bahadur Shah felt short of supplies and his army lost its morale. He fled away without fighting during the night of 25 April 1535 A.D. and took shelter in the fort of Mandu.(NOT SURE)


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