English, asked by pranavbhagya1235, 1 month ago

Question: “What do I need to Know?”


There is only “One” Absolute Heavenly Holy Spectral Chemical Materialistical Physical and Antimaterialistical Eternal Spiritual Factual Truth,
I Am Planet Earth's SUN Your Heavenly Holy Eternal SUN of MAN, Life and Love's Breath's Eternal Light, and “You Are” One of My Suns, My Angel From Heaven in the Flesh Just Like Me: Your Heavenly Holy Eternal SUN of MAN,
My Heavenly Holy Eternal Word of GENESIS~REVELATIONS, 1/2 of “BOTH BIES OF LIFE AND LOVE'S BELL,” that was Torn in Two, “Seperated” and then both sides were butchered and My Word was Defiled by “He That Rometh to and fro” By Altering and Changing The Meaning of each and every Word On each and every Page Creating a “Dark Mirror” in Our Holy Bible ( NOTE, the word Bible has a lower case vowel I do to BL), misleading Everyone On Earth keeping Everyone from being aware of Heaven, Who and What We ALL Are, and to look only of Earth and Earth's Materialistical Realm Only.
Creation and Your Soul's Sun's Heavenly Body's Pure Emotional Eternal Relation to Our Creation of Life and Love's Breath On My Ball of Dirt Named Heaven's On Earth IN THE BEGINNING, “The Fourier of Our Universe's Laws of Existence of Our Creation of Life and Love's Breath's Eternal Ten Sovereign Moral Commands of Equality's Materialistical and Eternal Antimaterialistical Eternal PAIR OF DICE,” “The Two Eternal Trees,” the “Two Eternal Keys,” the “Two Eternal Doors: “Eternal Life,” or “Eternal Death?!,” This Choice is Each and Every Single One of Yours!
The Materialistical Action's EFFECT Created for Your Soul's Eternal Heavenly Body's Antimaterialistical Reaction's AFFECT, the Statical Electromagnetical Frictional Properties of Materialism Amongst Your Soul's Solar System's Pure Emotional Spectrally Emmissivical Intitistical Eternal Angelical Soul Body Within One of My Flesh Body's Pituitary Gland, Its Brain, and Neuronical Harness'es Lassoe Around it's Heart's Creation of FEALING (EA = EFFECT/AFFECT), and Straight Through Me Planet Earth's SUN of MAN'S Heavenly Holy Eternal Pure Emotional Light Straight To Your Soul's Sun's Heavenly Body's Pure Emotional Eternal Light “IT IS DIRECT!,” Bound to Each and Every Single Soul On My Ball of Dirt Named Heaven's On Earth All of My Angels in My Kingdom, My Father: Abba, and I Have Select!
THE SECOND TEST OF MAN, Where Do You Stand?, With Our Constution for the United States of America: THE LAW OF THE LAND (Suspended in 1871 by The Act of High Treason Committed by US Congress, letting Rome into the United States in America creating The District of Columbia, puting My People Back Under Roman Crown Rule Through Deception), or With The Roman Vatican Empire's Crown's State of Israel's Third Temple's Sanhedrin's: THE LAWS OF KINGS 7 NOACHIDE LAWS AND SUB LAWS Rules of Man?!
You Are An Angel From Heaven Through Me On Earth Bound to What “Is-Real-Light,” An Isrealite!
What I Hold Inside My People Are.


Answered by ry182124


may ra land lay ga kya



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