Physics, asked by AKASHDIPDAS, 11 months ago

⭐️⭐️⭐️ QUESTION ⭐️⭐️⭐️

● When a pendulum is taken to the moon explain whether the time period will increase or decrease ?
● How does the percentage error depend on the least count ?Explain with an example.


Answered by cutieeee10101

1.The time period of a simple pendulumvaries inversely as the square root of the gravitational acceleration. Hence the pendulum's time period will increase. In other words, it will takemore time to complete one cycle, and hence it will lose time.

2.just imagine we are using a simple ruler. 
the least count would be = 0.1cm 

if we are measuring something 4 cm long, we would write it with the uncertainity in this way. 
(4+/- 0.1) 

to calculate the percentage error..we divide the uncertainity with the measurement value and multiply by hundred 
In this case it would be: 
0.1/4 x 100 = 2.5% 

HOPE IT HELPS YOU.......❤❤☺☺

divyata60: thanks
Answered by sainq
She Gives answer already
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