Question :
who is founder of 'Bramho Samaj' ?
Raja Rammohan Roy
Raja Rammohan Roy founded a reform association known as Bramho Samaj.
Additional Information :
• The socio religious reforms embraced the entire nation which began with the efforts of Raja Rammohan Roy.
• He is called as the Father of modern India.
• He denounced polytheism, idol worship and the abuse of caste system.
• Raja Rammohan Roy wanted to improve the condition of Indian women and bring about greater freedom and equality for them.
• He enchoraged education for women and complaint against the practice of sati.
• He try to prove through his writing that the practice of sati was not permitted by the Hindu shastras.
• His camping though roused the hostility of the orthodox section of people against him but eventually in 1829, he he succeeded in imposing a ban on sati under governor general Lord William Bentinck.
• He play the notable part in improving the condition of widows.
• He also opposed polygamy.
• He advocated widow remarriage and fought against child marriage.
Question :
Question :
who is founder of 'Bramho Samaj' ?
Solution :
The founder of the Bhramho Samaj is Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
Raja Rammohan Roy founded the Bhramho Samaj in 1828.
Principle :
Important organisation of religious reforms.
It Believed on One God Only.
it Believed in the unity of all religions and abolished idol worship.
Raja Rammohan Roy founded the Bamho Samaj as he stongly felt that a change was necessary to do away with the unjust practises prevalent in the society.
Another founder of the society was Raja Debendranath Tagore.