English, asked by mahi55666688, 1 year ago

Question : write an article on "hazards on rush driving.


Answered by Anonymous


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Answered by subhadra177


Dangers of Rash Driving

It is said that these days, more people die of accidents on the roads than of any diseases.

Some of the accidents on the roads take place because of mechanical failure of vehicles. But in most cases the fault lies with human beings who drive these vehicles.

A person can make some error while –taking a turn or passing through a crossing and that results in accident of some magnitude minor or major.

Such instances are not many. Most often the cause of an accident is rash driving on    the part of the driver of one vehicle of the drivers  of one vehicle or the drivers of both the vehicles that collide.

Rash driving some time may not cause an accident by collision. The driver may lose control over the brakes and the vehicle may just slip away downwards and capsize or it may hit a tree, pole or a stationary vehicle or wall or it may pass over some pedestrians or sleeping or sitting people.

The most general cause of rash driving Is drinking. A driver who is tipsy, loses control over his nerves and judgment and then over his brakes also. Thus , drinking enhances the chances of rash driving by a driver who otherwise may be quite an efficient one.

Whatever the reason, rash driving should be avoided at all costs.

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