1. At the moment of releasing the
balls, which energy do the balls
2. As the balls roll down which energy
is converted into which other form
of energy?
3. Why do the balls cover the same
distance on rolling down?
4. What is the form of the eventual
total energy of the balls?
5. Which law related to energy does
the above activity demonstrate ?
1 . At the moment of releasing the balls, they posses potential energy.
2 . kinetic energy
The potential energy of the balls converts to kinetic energy as they roll down.
3 . At the moment of releasing the balls, they posses potential energy. 2. The potential energy of the balls converts to kinetic energy as they roll down. ... Thus, both the balls covers equal distance after rolling down the incline because they possessed same potential energy at the top of the channels.
4 . The total energy of the ball will eventually be in the form of kinetic energy.
5 . Law of conservation of energy is demonstrated using this activity. At the top of the channels, the total mechanical energy of the balls is in the form of potential energy.
please mark as brainlist
1. potential energy
1. At the moment of releasing the balls, they posses potential energy. 2. The potential energy of the balls converts to kinetic energy as they roll down.
2. kinetic energy
The potential energy of the balls converts to kinetic energy as they roll down.
3. At the moment of releasing the balls, they posses potential energy. 2. The potential energy of the balls converts to kinetic energy as they roll down. ... Thus, both the balls covers equal distance after rolling down the incline because they possessed same potential energy at the top of the channels.
4. kinetic energy
The total energy of the ball will eventually be in the form of kinetic energy.
5. Law of conservation of energy is demonstrated using this activity. At the top of the channels, the total mechanical energy of the balls is in the form of potential energy.