questions and answers for the lesson discovery
here r Ur questions and answers dear:-
1) The captain of the discovery of The New World(America) was,
A.Gullermo Ires B.PedroGutierrez C.Francisco D.Columbus
2) The name of the ship that took Columbus to the New World of America,
A.Santa Maria B spainia C. Titanic D.Britannica
3) The seamen were singing the song to,
A. keep their spirits B. keep away boredom C. enjoy their voyage D.find the New World
4) What kind of thoughts were not allowed by Pedro?
A. good thoughts B.bad thoughts C. silent thoughts D.Mutinous thoughts
5) The word which was considered ugly by Diego was
A. irons B. ship C. Spain D. mutiny
6)The song in the beginning of the play”The Discovery” conveys the
A. sorrow mood of the seamen. B. happy mood of the seamen.
C. active mood of the seamen. D. jealousy mood of the seamen.
7)’There are no limits to patience’ this was said by
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pedro Gutierrez
8)Where was Columbus standing in the beginning of the play? B.Fore mast C. Poop D. quarter-deck
9)”A good sailor knows his place”Who said this?
A.Diego Garcia B.Columbus C. Francisco D.Pedro Gutierrez
10)What was Columbus’ worst enemy? It was his
A. unbridled tongue B. Will C. song of sailors D. ship in Storm