English, asked by abhi1932000, 2 months ago

Three fourths of the surface of our planet is covered by the sea, which both separates and u
the various races of mankind. The sea is the great high-way along which man may journey a
will, the great road that has no walls or hedges hemming it in, and that nobody has to keep in
repair with the acid of pickaxes and barrels of tar and steam rollers. The sea appeals to man's
of the perilous and the unknown, to his love of conquest, his love of knowledge, and his lov
gold Its green, and grey, and blue, and purple waters call to him, and bid him fare forth in ques
fresh fields. Beyond their horizons, he has found danger and death, glory and gain.
In some greut continents, such as America and Australia, there are towns and villages many
thousands of miles from the coast, whose children have never seen or heard or felt the waves of
the sea But in the British Isles, it is nowhere much more than a hundred miles from the most
inland spot. The love of the sea is in the very blood of the British
We know that the average depth of the sea is about two and a half miles, but in a few places it is
very deep indeed - over six miles. If the highest mountain in the world, Everest, which is nearly
six miles high, could be placed in this deepest place in the Pacific, the mountain top would still be
more than a half a mile under the surface of the sea


Answered by vgpatel


where are the questions man??


you just have us the paragraph

Answered by Raghav1330

Three-fourths of the planet is covered with water and the rest with land.

  • Due to the abundance of liquid on the surface of the globe, the Earth is sometimes described as a gorgeous blue marble.
  • Despite not being blue by itself, water reflects blue light.
  • Roughly said, around 71% of the Planet's surface is composed up of water, plus landmass and islands making the remaining 29%.
  • 96.5% of the water on Earth is found as salt water in the seas, with the remaining 3.5% being freshwater lakes or frozen water that is trapped in glaciers and polar ice caps.
  • Almost all of the freshwater—69% of it, to be exact—turns into ice.


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