राइट 10 मेडिकल इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स
1)- Stethoscope: to hear sounds from movements within the body like heart beats, intestinal movement, breath sounds, etc.
2)- Thermometer: to record body temperature.
3)- Suction device: to suck up blood or secretions.
4)- Tongue depresser: for use in oral examination.
5)- Radiography: to view internal body structures.
6)- Oxygen mask and tubes: to deliver gases to the mouth/nostrils to assist in oxygen intake or to administer aerosolized or gaseous drugs.
7)- Otoscope: to look into the external ear cavity.
8)- Medical ultrasound: to create an image of internal body structures.
9)- Turning fork: to test for deafness and to categorize it.
10)- Ventilator: to assist or carry out the mechanical act of inspiration and expiration so the non-respiring patient can do so; a common component of "life support".