राइट अ पैराग्राफ ऑन माय फेवरेट सब्जेक्ट इन हंड्रेड और 120
My favorite subject is English because English is the basis of our ability to communicate with one another. English has taught me numerous skills and has helped me to become an analytically minded individual, changing my perspective on various issues. English has contributed to my overall growth as a young person, as it has showed me the many points of views, ideas, and beliefs of the human population. English has opened my eyes on many issues, and helped me to develop skills, intellectually as well as theoretically.
I admire the writing skills journalists have, as well as the ability to view world issues and report them, something I have the ability to do. I have a love for writing and grammar, two valuable skills every journalist needs to posses. I also have a deep enjoyment for current world events, on a local and global scale. My passion for this art would capture the hearts of my audience, writing in such a way that they feel the need for change, and are inspired to now a difference in the world
Please describe your writing and communication skills, indicating particular strengths or weaknesses:
I believe that my writing and communication skills are exceptional. Working in retail has taught me how to communicate with others, and I am constantly improving my writing skills. I have had experience as a delegate for Model Parliament, and communication has been a vital part of my job. I am able to write in such a way that I get my point across in an abstract and conceptual manner, but also manage to keep it objective, which is an essential part of journalism.