राइट अबाउट थे रिलेशनशिप बिटवीन shyloce and antonio
they were the enemies
Shylock is the villain, the obstacle to love, while Antonio aids his friend Bassanio in romance; his love for Bassanio follows the Renaissance concept of friendship, a concept which overrides even romantic love. For, Antonio is willing to lose his life by giving up a pound of flesh so that his friend can marry Portia.Shylock is a Jewish moneylender in Venice. He is unpopular with other characters who accuse him of practising usury. This means lending money with outrageously high rates of interest . The merchants, such as Antonio, curse and spit at Shylock because they believe this way of making money is immoral.The contract formed between Shylock and Antonio is the "Bond", wherein the conditions are as follows: In return for a loan of 3,000 ducats, Antonio shall repay Shylock in three (3) months. Shylock is generous enough to offer the loan without a drop of interest.