राइट ए लेटर टू कमिश्नर मुंसिपल कॉरपोरेशन वॉटर इन रिवर वॉटर सप्लाई इन न्यू कॉलोनी यू एंड गुप्ता इंस्टीट्यूट नोएडा यूपी
S - 32
The Commissioner
The Municipal Corporation
March 29, 2021
Sub : Inadequate Water Supply in Our Locality
Dear Sir :
I , a resident of Model Town Extension , on behalf of the residents of the area , write to your esteemed self to request you to look into the problem of inadequate water supply . The mercury has gone beyond 40 ° Celsius ; the heat wave has been very intense . Water is the only source of relief in such an oppressive weather . However , the harsh reality is water supply is not only poor , but also erratic ! As a result the residents of Model Town Extension have been facing severe water shortage for many weeks . Housewives don't have enough water for washing , cooking , cleaning , etc. The residents are forced to make alternative arrangements for water supply by hiring water tankers . We have already written letters to Water Supply Department but to no avail . Meanwhile the Municipality is able to provide permanent water supply , potable water can be supplied to the colony through portable tankers . There is another solution . The colony's water supply can be temporarily connected to the Sarabha Nagar water supply system . I on behalf of all the residents appeal to you to look into the problem and relieve us of the inconvenience we have been facing . We shall be exceedingly thankful for the prompt solution to our distress .
Thanking you,
Arun Gupta