राइट ए लेटर टू द एडिटर ऑफ न्यूज़ पेपर for crime rate and watching law and order in your town
11 january ,2019.
Srivani Nagar,
The Editor,
Deccan Chronicle news paper head quarters,
I Laukya , a resident of Srivani Nagar is writing you this letter to say you about the worsening of law and order in our town. There are many cases to be solved by the police but they are just leaving it . So, we have stopped their salaries . They have started a strike. We have said them to solve the cases and take your salaries.
Many people are suffering with the chain snatchers. But, there are no one to look after this . If we question them , they are saying it's
not our responsibility. where is the law and order here ?
So , sir I am requesting you to print this matter and please save one of our right i.e.,enjoying the law and order.
Yours faithfully, kanishk Soni
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