English, asked by parneetkaur4832, 4 months ago

राइट ए रिपोर्ट टो बे पब्लिश्ड इन थे स्कूल मैगजीन​


Answered by arvindku200755


10th March, 2013: Our school celebrated World Environment Day on 5th June, 2012. The School Principal, Vice Principal, Trustees; Staff members, and students were present for the celebrations. The School Principal welcomed the audience with an opening speech giving an insight to the importance of that day. He made all the spectators aware of the need to take immediate action to save the environment and Mother Earth. Citing examples, he made the concept crystal clear for all. He also announced a compulsory project for all students. Each student had to undertake one environment-friendly action after school hours and was supposed to make a presentation as well. The project needed to be submitted to the respective class teachers who would rate each student on a scale of one to ten. All the students looked excited after the announcement of that innovative project.

After which the Vice Principal of the school addressed the audience with an enlightening speech mentioning how small endeavors could make a big difference. She requested all to spread the awareness of saving the environment. She ended the speech by saying "Each one can do his bit by stopping the use of plastic bags; stop wasting food, start using public conveyance to save fuel and to start recycling. For a greener tomorrow, each one needs to do his or her bit".

The next on the agenda was a play enacted by the students of the Junior School. The students were dressed in vibrant costumes and through their simple and innocent act portrayed how human beings were causing harm to the environment and what would be the end result of that damage. The juniors dressed as flowers, butterflies, birds, etc., looked splendid. The trustees gave away awards to the top three actors of the play.

Next was the most awaited segment, the debate competition for the students of the Senior School. The topic given was relevant to the celebrations - "What is more important, saving the environment or technological advancement at the expense of the environment?" The participants were given half an hour to prepare. The debate was an eye-opener for all. With many valid points highlighted during the discussion, the overall experience was as enriching for the audience as it was for the participants. The school Principal ended the debate by summarizing the pros and cons of the subject. The winners of the competition were announced by the school Principal followed by distribution of certificates and medals.

The celebrations came to an end with everyone pledging to take the initiative of saving the environment and doing their bit for a cleaner and greener Mother Earth.


Silver jubilee Celebrations

by Saurabh Singh, XIIB

Subhash Public School, Gorakhpur recently completed its twenty-five years of establishment on 5th February, 20XX. The management and staff of the school organised a grand function to celebrate the same. Mr Prabhat Gupta, the DM of Gorakhpur, graced the occasion as the chief guest. The school premises was attractively decorated for the celebrations and the chief guest was received by the Director and the Principal of the school at the main gate. After the Saraswati Vandana and welcome song, Mr Praveen Nangia, the school Principal, gave a brief speech highlighting the meritorious services of the school to the cause of education for the past 25 years.

The chief guest acknowledged the same in his speech thereafter. He honoured six teachers for their dedicated services in the field of education. The students who were the allrounders of each class were awarded medals by the DM.

Students of the three houses presented a musical extravaganza which was the special feature of the show.

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