English, asked by sovonikamajumdar, 8 months ago

राइट ए शॉर्ट बायोग्राफी ऑन राजा राममोहन राय​


Answered by saritasoni24


राजा राममोहन राय को आधुनिक भारत और बंगाल के नवयुग का जनक कहा जाता हैं. उन्होंने पारम्परिक हिन्दू परम्पराओं को तोड़ते हुए महिलाओं और समाज के हितों में कई सामाजिक कार्य किए. हालांकि भारत के इतिहास में उनकी पहचान देश में सती प्रथा के विरोध करने वाले प्रथम व्यक्ति के रूप दर्ज हैं. लेकिन इसके अतिरिक्त भी कई ऐसे कार्य हैं जिनके कारण राजा राम मोहन राय को आज भी सम्मान की दृष्टि से देखा जाता हैं. राममोहन ना केवल महान शिक्षा विद थे, बल्कि एक विचारक और प्रवर्तक भी थे. वो कलकत्ता के एकेश्वरवादी समाज के संस्थापकों में से भी एक थे. उस समय जब भारतीय संस्कृति और भाषा को ही सम्मान दिया जाता था, तब राम मोहन राय इंग्लिश, विज्ञान, वेस्टर्न मेडिसिन और टेक्नोलॉजी जैसे नवीन विषयों के अध्ययन के पक्षधर बने.

Answered by Ttapodeepa


Raja Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on 22nd May 1772. He was one of the founders of the brahmo sabha, a social religious reform movement in the Indian subcontinent. He was considered to be the father of Indian Renaissance this multipack faces social religiousan educational reformer is renewed for his pioneering role in opposing practices like Sati, Child marriage and social divisions and for advocating education. He was a great scholar of Sanskrit, Persian and English languages who also new Arabic, Latin and Greek. In 1828 fry setup The brahmo samaj a reformist movement of the Hindu religion that aimed at fighting social evils that where prevalent in the society. He opposed superstitious practices custom such as Sati, Poligamy, Child marriage, The rigidity of the caste system and its excesses and short property inheritance rights for women as a result of his hard work in fighting Sati the governor of Bengal presidency lord William Bentinckshort property inheritance rights for women. As a result of his hard work in fighting Sati, the governor of Bengal presidency lord William Bentinck formally band the practice on December 4 in the year 1829. During a visit to Britain he was diagnosed with Meningitis and died in Stapleton, North East of Bristol, on September 27, 1833. He was buried at the Arnos Vale cemetry in Southern Bristol. Recently, the British government name the street in Bristol in memory of the great reformist.

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