रैदास के पद म िजन संत किवय का परचय दया गया है उनके िच के साथ संेप म उनके परचय पर आधारत पावर पॉइंट तुित तैयार किजए। जैसे नामदेव, सधना, सैनु, िलोचन आद-आद।
A pump increases the water pressure from 100 kPa at the inlet to 900 kPa at the outlet. Water enters this pump at 15 °C through a 1 cm diameter opening and exist through a 1.5 cm diameter opening. Determine the velocity of the water at the inlet and the outlet when the mass flow rate through the pump is 0.5 kg/s. Will these velocities change significantly if the inlet temperature is raised to 40 °C? (prove it by an appropriate calculation)
A pump increases the water pressure from 100 kPa at the inlet to 900 kPa at the outlet. Water enters this pump at 15 °C through a 1 cm diameter opening and exist through a 1.5 cm diameter opening. Determine the velocity of the water at the inlet and the outlet when the mass flow rate through the pump is 0.5 kg/s. Will these velocities change significantly if the inlet temperature is raised to 40 °C? (prove it by an appropriate calculation)