English, asked by rajil786, 8 months ago

Raghave is a teacher. He works hard..........the welfawelfare of his student


Answered by rebel22


The answer for the question is for

Answered by marishthangaraj

Raghav is a teacher. He works hard for the welfare of his student.


  • The important point is that for is used to specify a period of time. For can be used when talking about the past, present or future. Here are three example sentences that use similar vocabulary, but use different verb tenses. (Past) Last year, I traveled for three weeks.
  • A preposition is a word which expresses relationship of a noun or a pronoun to other words of the sentence. e.g. 'in, of, to, at, by, for, with, under, above, into, onto, upon, about, behind, beside, before, after, towards, inside, outside, below, around' are commonly used examples of prepositions.

Learn more about preposition

Appropriate Preposition of apprise is.


Put the preposition- I cannot agree ...............your proposal ( at,to, with)...


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