rain add predicate in subject
Rain is falling very heavily.
In any sentence, we usually give a message about the Action of Some Person, Animal, Place or a Thing.
That , “Some Person, Animal, Place or a Thing” , which literally acts as the “hero” of the sentence is known as the Subject of the Sentence.
Usually, Nouns and Pronouns, along with Articles and/or Adjectives, constitute the Subject of a Sentence.
The Predicate of a Sentence represents the action part of the Sentence and usually comprises a Main Verb with or without an Auxiliary Verb or Adverb.
If you keep this definition of Subject and Predicate in mind, you can easily identify the Subject and Predicate of the quoted Clause like this :
“while it is raining”
- In this , “it” (Pronoun) is the Subject, and
“”is raining” is the Predicate, where “is” is the Auxiliary Verb, and “raining” is the Main Verb.
In this case, since the Pronoun “It” does not specifically represent any particular Noun, it is said to be a “Dummy Subject.”
In sentences where you cannot fix a Particular Subject to correlate with the Action Part mentioned in the sentence, you may have to choose a “Dummy Subjects”, like “It.”
E.g. It is very hot here. - “It” is the Dummy Subject in this sentence.