Geography, asked by alisonchengp6l, 8 months ago

Rain and magnetism carry stones and soil down the sides of river valleys.


Answered by prairborne


Ancient Soil Disturbances in River Valleys within the Steppe Zone of the Southeastern Urals L. N. Plekhanova and V. A. Demkin Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences,Institutskaya ul. 2, Pushchino, Moscow oblast, 142290 Russia Received February 17, 2005 Abstract —Soil–archaeological investigations of ancient burial sites and settlements in river valleys of thesteppe zone in the southeastern Ural region proved that the local paleolandscape were strongly affected byhumans in the second millennium BC, during the Late Bronze epoch. In the modern soil cover of the region,about 1% of the territory is occupied by urban soils (paleourbanozems) formed under human impacts on naturalpaleosols in the areas of ancient settlements. The character of the buried paleosols suggests the presence of for-est vegetation in the studied region during the Late Bronze epoch. Taking into account this fact and the presenceof thick ashy layers in the habitation deposits of ancient settlements, we can suppose that the anthropogenicimpact on the environment was one of the reasons for the degradation of forests and propagation of steppe veg-etation in this area. The development of steppe vegetation was also favored by some aridization of the climate. ANTHROPOGENIC PEDOGENESISAND SOIL CONSERVATION

974 EURASIAN SOIL SCIENCE        Vol. 38        No. 9       2005 PLEKHANOVA, DEMKIN 180 mm, mainly in the form of heavy rainfalls. Thehumidity factor (the precipitation-to-evaporabilityratio) varies from 0.8 to 1.1 [1]. The depth of soil freez-ing in the winter is from 80 to 200 cm depending on thesoil texture; the soils remain in the frozen state up tofive months per year. The frosts in the valleys are colderthan those on the leveled interfluves by about 2–5 ° C;the frosts on the tops of local mounts are 2 ° C weakerthan those on the leveled interfluves [8].The Ural folding zone includes the relicts of paleo-continents, ancient oceanic basins, volcanic ridges, andshallow inland seas. As a result of the long-term contin-uous development of the studied region under continen-tal conditions, its modern relief consists of the frag-ments of the ancient land surface transformed duringthe Cenozoic era. At present, it represents denudationplains with leveled surfaces and relatively low residualmounts. Ancient weathering crusts are widespreadwithin the leveled interfluves. This area is rich in depos-its of copper ores that were used as the source of copperfor the ancient metallurgy.The modern landscapes are composed of geomor-phic elements of different geneses and ages; these land-forms were formed in different geological epochs. Therole of ancient landforms in the modern landscapestructure and functioning cannot be overestimated.Thus, in the landscapes of the steppe zone, relic ele-ments are represented by the acidic kaolinite weather-ing crusts of the Paleogene period, saline clay sedi-ments of the Neogene age, paleohydromorphic land-scapes that originated in the periods of climaticoptimums, and the periglacial loess sediments [23]. Thedegree of development of the river valleys and the char-acter of the corresponding landforms (floodplains, ter-races, and the gully network) depends on the location ofa given river in the system of altitudinal landscapezones. Several geomorphic steps are distinguished atdifferent heights [23, 33]. Information about theHolocene dynamics of the climate is recorded in thesoils of the river valleys.

Answered by bratislava

Rain and gravitational force carries the stones and soil down wards the river valleys.


  • Due to the rainwater make the soil muddy and slippery it moisten the soil and creates a soil creep and which further leads to movement of the rocks and stones that tend to slip or slide down the sloping terrain and move down towards the bottom of river valleys under the action of gravity.
  • The soil is loosened by rainwater and moves with the flow in a downwards direction. They tend to get deposited at the valley bottoms and thus big boulders are found at sides of the valleys.

Learn more about the Rain and magnetism carry stones and soil down the sides of river valleys.

  • answered by  prairborne.
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