English, asked by pramuth, 4 months ago

rain in summer poem question and answers​


Answered by rajvamsid

Question 1.

What do people do when it rains heavily?


They stay indoors.

Question 2.

Do they sit inside their house?


Yes, certainly.

Question 3.

Do they go out and work?


No, they do not.

Question 4.

Do they enjoy working in the rain?


No, they do not.


1. Talk to your partner about these points in the poem. Give him / her your reasons for what you say. Write down what you say.

Question a.

The poet says it was dusty and hot. What was dusty and hot? What does the rain do?


The narrow lane and the broad and fiery street was dusty and hot. The rain clatters along the roofs and gushes out through the spouts. It cols the weather and drives away the dust and heat.

Question b.

The poet is watching the rain from his portico.



Question c.

When do raindrops clatter on the roof?

Whenever heavy raindrops fall.

When it is drizzling steadily.

When there is a heavy downpour.


When there is a heavy downpour.

Question d.

The clatter sounds like a tramp of hoofs, So we may say that the poet’s house has

a tiled roof

a tin roof

a reinforced concrete roof

a thatched roof


a tin roof

Question e.

Where does the rainwater flow? How does it flow?


The rainwater flows into the gutter. It flows down like a roaring river with a muddy tide.

Question f.

Why does the poet welcome the rain?


The poet welcomes the rain because it will cool the atmosphere and wash away all the dust in the surroundings and clean, the air.

2. Explain the meaning of the following phrases to your partner:

Question a.

fiery street


The summer sun was very hot and the street seemed to be on fire. The heat was intense.

Question b.

gush and struggle out.


It rained heavily all of a sudden. The rainwater from the rooftop had to come out through the drainage pipe. Water gushed out of the pipe and struggled out throwing the dust and garbage from the rooftop and in the pipe.

3. Imagine what Longfellow saw, heard, felt, smelt and thought. Tell that to your partner. Write down what you say. Begin like this:

The sun was hot. There was dust everywhere suddenly there was the sound of the raindrops. With that came the smell of the hot earth. The raindrops made a big noise on the tin roof. Water started flowing out of the drainage pipe with dust and waste in brown color. Heavy rain followed and water dripped down from the window panes of the houses. Rainwater channels were full and it seemed like a river overflowing. It looked like a muddy tide.

4. The poet uses two similes. Tell your partner why you like them, or not like them.

Like the tramp of hoofs:

The sound of the raindrops on the roof is compared to the footsteps of running horses. The simile is very apt.

Like a river down the gutter roars:

The rainwater started running like a river in the gutters with loud sound. This comparison is also very correct.


5. Imagine for a moment, what a heavy downpour does to the city slum dwellers. Write six sentences about their woes.

The Shim is in a tow area, so water rushed into the house destroying all-electric and electronic items. All the clothes became damp. Firewood dampened and no food for the family member. Menfolk who are outside are unable to come home. Ladies at home are frightened and children float boats in the water around the house. All the ration at home went to waste.

6. A long-phrase is given below. Some words are incomplete. Complete them.

The beautifully downpouring, roaring. flowing, cleaning, welcome rain!

Ask your partner what words go in the blanks in the passage given below, and write them down.

Imagine, for a moment, an Indian former, sitting in his farm and looking up at a cloud less sky. He would be shading his eyes from the bright sunlight with his hand and wonder ing where have all the clouds gone.

When it starts, it will water the parched and cracked earth and ready it for tilling. It gives life for the dying crops. The farmer will be happy.

But in this poem, you will see a different kind of person a city dweller, He is standing at the door of his study, watching the sky outside. He says rain is pouring down.

Rain in Summer Summary in English

The summer is very hot and the houses and the roads are dust-laden. Then comes the rain which looks very beautiful. In the beginning, it makes a loud sound like the footsteps of a running horse over the roofs. The dust, the waste, and the rainwater gushes out the outlet pipe with great struggle.

Water, water everywhere and the house window panes are dripping with water. The roadside gutters are overflowing with a loud noise like a river in floods. Such rain is most welcome during summer season.

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