rain poem by Robin Zelaya
I hope it's correct!!!!

Rain is Falling Down
The clouds are grey
The sky is dark
We must stay in
Can't go to the park
The rain on fall steadily
Softly all around
But sometimes it falls loudly
Making puddles on the ground
With raincoats and boots
We head through the rain
Watching at the drops
Feed the trees and terrain
Bringing new life
And helping the earth
We're thankful for the rain
As bring it rebirth
Dripping and dropping
As we huddle together
Colorful umbrellas go up
To protect from the weather
As the sun slowly comes out
A rainbow we can see
We need to thank the rain
For keeping our world clean
- By Robin Zelaya
Our names are Kathy and Robin. This is (Kathy and Robin) ______ mother.
Round robin algorithm is ....