Biology, asked by pragunt, 1 year ago

Rajesh met with an accident. Afterward, he was not able to coordinate skeletal muscle activity also he was not able to maintain body balance. Which part of his brain was affected in the accident? what is the role of yeast in baking and brewing industries?


Answered by haneefasayyad123


he must have gone through the injury in cerebellum and cerebrum

cerebellum provides body balance and cerebrum helps in coordination of muscles

yeast is unicellular fungi it undergoes repeat anaerobic respiration due to which co2 is produce which leads to puffing of the dough

hope so helpful..

Answered by pratiksha593

Answer: Cerebellum and cerebrum were the parts of the brain affected


The cerebellum is a small part of the brain positioned at the back of the head, where it meets the spine, which acts as the body's movement and balance control centre.

Cerebrum is the part of the brain which helps in bones and muscel cordination

Yeast is used for the leavening of bread. Yeast uses the sugars and oxygen in dough to produce more yeast cells and carbon dioxide gas. ... Yeast uses sugars by breaking them down into carbon dioxide and water. The yeast needs lots of oxygen in order to complete this type of fermentation.

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