Ralationships are depended upon trust however small misunderstanding if not cleared soon destroy the best of relationship. John's marriage was on the verge of a dreadful end. What mistake did the Hallock make in their relationship
It is absolutely true that relationship are bulit upon trust. The stronger the concrete of trust , the stronger the building of relationship . But trust is a two way street. In a true relationship there should be no hidden secrets . Mr hallocks made two mistakes which led to sourness in their relationship . First , Hallock tried to conceal facts from lavinia. She was his wife and had every right to know what the real story was. Secondly lavinia doubted her husband and considered him a cheater without going into the detail of things. Her trust was overcome by jealousy . Things would not have been in such a mess if John had told Lavinia the truth and if Lavinia would have trusted her husband enough to find the real truth before deciding to leave him