ram asks a labour to dig a well upto a depth of 10 m . labour charges rs 150 for first m and rs 50 for subsequent metres as labour was uneducated he charged rs 550 for the whole work .what should be the actual amount paid to the labours ?
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Given : Labour charges for digging the first meter of the well = Rs. 150
And charges for digging each subsequent meter = Rs. 50
The well was dug up to a depth of 10 meter.
The actual amount to be paid to the labour will be = Cost of the first meter + 9*cost of subsequent meter
∴ Rs. 150 + Rs.(9*50)
= 150 + 450
= Rs. 600
The actual amount to be paid to the labour is Rs. 600
And charges for digging each subsequent meter = Rs. 50
The well was dug up to a depth of 10 meter.
The actual amount to be paid to the labour will be = Cost of the first meter + 9*cost of subsequent meter
∴ Rs. 150 + Rs.(9*50)
= 150 + 450
= Rs. 600
The actual amount to be paid to the labour is Rs. 600
Answered by
cost(first metre)=₹150
subsequent charge=₹50 per metre
Total cost=150+9×50
subsequent charge=₹50 per metre
Total cost=150+9×50
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