Ram, Raj, and Ravi go to a restaurant for lunch and order three different items. Ram orders 2 plates of fried rice, 3 plates of chicken pieces and 1-plate of curd rice. Raj orders 1 plate of fried rice, 2 plates of chicken pieces and 3 plates of curd rice. Ravi orders 3 plates of fried rice, 1 plate of chicken pieces and 2 plates of curd rice. Ram’s bill costs $9, Raj’s costs $6, and Ravi’s costs $8.apply gauss elimination method to determine the plate cost of each item
minute on machine III. A type-C souvenir requires 3 minute on machine I and 4 minutes onmachines II and 1 minute on machine III. There are 14 min available on machine I, 20 minavailable on machine II, and 14 min available on machine III for processing the order. Howmany souvenirs of each type should Ace Novelty make in order to use all of the available time,by LU decomposition method.2. Ram, Raj, and Ravi go to a restaurant for lunch and order three different items. Ram orders 2plates of fried rice, 3 plates of chicken pieces and 1-plate of curd rice. Raj orders 1 plate of friedrice, 2 plates of chicken pieces and 3 plates of curd rice. Ravi orders 3 plates of fried rice, 1 plateof chicken pieces and 2 plates of curd rice. Ram’s bill costs $9, Raj’s costs $6, and Ravi’s costs$8. Determine plate cost of each item, by using factorization method.3. Solve the following by using LU-decomposition method:3274,235,347xyzxyzxyzSession-341.Ace Novelty wishes to produce three types of souvenirs: types A, B, and C. To manufacture atype-A souvenir requires 2 minutes on machine I, 8 minute on machine II, and 1 minutes onmachine III. A type-B souvenir requires 1 minute on machine I, 3 minutes on machine II, and 5minute on machine III. A type-C souvenir requires 6 minute on machine I and 2 minutes onmachines II and1 minute on III. There are 9 min available on machine I, 13 min available onmachine II, and 7 min available on machine III for processing the order. How many souvenirs ofeach type should Ace Novelty make in order to use all of the available time, by Jacobi Method.2. Determine the current flowing in each branch of the following circuit using Jacobi iterationmethod.
Home Assignment-33.1.Solve the following by using Jacobi method :2520z3y-2x-18;z-20y3x,17220zyx2.Solve the following by using Jacobi method722z15y6x110;54zyx,85627zyx3.A firm can produce three types of cloths A, B and C. Three kinds of wool are required for it,say red, green and blue wool. One unit of type ‘A’ cloth needs 2 yards of red wool, 8 yards ofgreen and one yard of blue wool; one unit length of type ‘B’ cloth needs one yard of red, 3 yardsof green and 5 yards of blue wool; one unit length of type ‘C’cloth needs 6 yards red, 2 yards ofgreen and one yard of blue wool. The firm has only a stock of 9 yards red, 13 yards green and 7yards of blue wool. If total stock is used, then determine the number of units of cloth A, B and C.Session-35Gauss Seidal iteration Method1.The following system of equations is designed to determine concentrations (the c’s in g/m3) ina series of coupled reactors as a function of the amount of mass input to each reactor(the right-hand sides in g/day);8c1+c2+c3= 82c1+ 4c2+c3= 44. Determine the currentflowingin each branch of thefollowingcircuits where1234565,5,1,6,4,2,20RRRRRRE tVby applying Gauss Seidel method.