Ram said to Geeta, "I am not going to help you
Ram said to geeta that he was not going to help her
Ram told Geeta that he was not going to help her.
Additional information.
What is Narration?
In the speech the part within the quotation marks is called reported speech and the part outside the quotation marks, containing subject and verb, is called reporting verb. When we transcribe (I.e. ,write) the words of a speaker as they are, it is called direct narration. We put his/her words into inverted commas.
Mohan said tome, "You are my best friend ".
Thus direct narration has two parts viz. Reporting speech (Mohan said to me) and Reporting speech ("You are my best friend ") When these words are retold to somebody else the two parts added together.
Mohan told me that I was his best friend.
It is called indirect narration.
When we are required to change direct narration into indirect narration, we have to pay attention to the necessary changes made into the indirect narration.