India Languages, asked by Sneha037, 10 months ago

रमणीय प्रकृति पर संस्कृत श्लोक, गीत या कविता


Answered by bhardwajsaksham


शाश्वतम्, प्रकृति-मानव-सङ्गतम्,

सङ्गतं खलु शाश्वतम् ।

तत्त्व-सर्वं धारकं


वारि-वायु-व्योम-वह्नि-ज्या-गतम् ।

शाश्वतम्, प्रकृति-मानव-सङ्गतम् ॥ (ध्रुवम्)


सन्ति निरतं जीव-जगतां प्राण-दाने,

तरु-लतानां विविध-वर्गाः शं दधाने ।



सर्वमास्ते जन-हितार्थं संहतम् ।

रक्षति प्रकृतिः सती

सौख्य-राशिं तन्वती

वन्य-सम्पद् रक्षणीया सन्ततम् ।

शाश्वतम्, प्रकृति-मानव-सङ्गतम् ॥ (१)


भातु पर्यावरणममलं दिग्‌विताने,

यातु हिंसा ध्वंसमचिरं सन्निधाने ।

अवतु पवनो मुक्त-गगनं


दुर्नयानां पर्व यातु पराहतम् ।


हार्दिकी सद्‍भावना

हन्तु सर्वं वैर-वर्वर-पर्वतम् ।

शाश्वतम्, प्रकृति-मानव-सङ्गतम् ॥ (२)


शान्ति-मन्त्रो जयतु नितरां सौम्य-गाने,

प्रेम-गङ्गा वहतु सुजला ऐक्य-ताने ।

निवसतु सुखं विश्व-जनता

लीयतां ननु दनुज-घनता,

दिव्य-तेजो भातु भव्यमनारतम् ।

प्राणिनां संवेदना

वर्धतां शुभकामना

भातु सत्यं सुन्दरं शिव-सम्मतम् ।

शाश्वतम्, प्रकृति-मानव-सङ्गतम् ॥ (३)


Eternal is the relationship

between Nature and human beings.

The relationship is eternal.

All the elements of water, wind, sky,

fire and earth are verily the holders

and nourishers of creatures.(0)

Various kinds of trees and creepers

are always engrossed in giving life

and in the matters offering welfare

to the world of animate beings.

Forests, mountains, rivers,

animals and birds, further

nights, days, seasons, Moon and Sun,

all are unitedly engaged

for the well-being of the people.

Nature auspiciously protects

and bestows all sorts of pleasures.

So all the beings that are wealth

of the forest regions must be

always protected properly.

Eternal is the relationship

between Nature and human beings. (1)

May the environment shine neat and

pollution-free in all the spheres of directions.

May the violence be annihilated soon

in the presence of noble deeds.

May the air protect open firmament

and spread in the houses

with cleanliness and fragrance.

May the series of corruptions

be defeated and eradicated.

May the hearty fellow-feelings

filled with affections and friendship

destroy the mount of cruelty and enmity.

Eternal is the relationship

between Nature and human beings. (2)

May the incantation of peace

be victorious reverberating

with calm and comely singing.

May River Ganga of love and affections

flow affluent with sacred water

spreading sweet tune

of unity and harmony among all.

Let all the people live in happiness.

Let the demonical attributes be slain.

May the divine splendour

excellently scintillate all the moments.

Let the compassionate feelings and

sincere hearty wishes attain growth.

May Truth, Beauty and Auspiciousness

pervade shining for ever.

Eternal is the relationship

between Nature and human beings. (3)

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