Ramesh had been suffering from stress, tension and anxiety for the Past three years. Now along with these
problems, he is also facing severe depression. He has already consulted many doctors but has not found an
appropriate solution. Finally, he met our yoga instructor. The yoga instructor taught him to perform yogic
asanas, pranayams and yoganidra.
After about three months of regular practice, Ramesh is feeling better.
Based on the above passage, answer the following questions.
a) What is yoga?
b) What were the problems of Ramesh?
c) What did the yoga instructor teach Ramesh to overcome his problems?
What Is Yoga?
Attuning to the Seer Within
A Tool to Reveal the Self
The Sanskrit root yuj means to “yoke,” “bind,” or “join together.” It also indicates “union” or “Oneness.” At the deepest spiritual level, yoga allows us to reveal the Self, the True Essence of our Being. Ultimately, it is the means by which we realize that there is no separation between anyone or anything. Everything is One. According to the Yoga Shikha Upanishad: “Verily, there is no virtue greater than Yoga, no good greater than Yoga, and no subtlety greater than Yoga. There is nothing that is greater than Yoga.”
Defining yoga in an all-encompassing way can be challenging. There are so many distinct and overlapping aspects, layers, branches, and nuances within the vastness of yoga that a single definition inherently creates a limitation.
And yet, the real essence of yoga is about transcending all limitations. Yoga is an empirical science and philosophy aimed at understanding life’s most important questions.
Hope it helps you mark as brainliest please
a. Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body.
b. Ramesh had problems of stress, tension, anxiety and depression
c. The yoga instructor taught him to perform yogic
asanas, pranayams and yoganidra.