Business Studies, asked by mba20anshumanpandey, 2 months ago

Ramesh has been working with Horizon Industries for over 20 years. He joined the company as a worker in the manufacturing division. At that time, he had no formal education, but he made up for it with his willingness to learn and enthusiasm on the job. He soon gained recognition and got promoted twice to become the head of the division. He is also a member of the labour union. The management of the company decided to appoint a workman on the board of directors Having a representative from the labour union will give them a better understanding of the point of view of the workers. The managing director Avinash Chaturvedi, therefore offered Ramesh a position on the board of directors. Slowly and gradually Ramesh got comfortable with all the board members. He got used to the ambience of the board room and the power people had. He was also able to understand the perspective of the top management. Recently the labour union demanded that they get a 30% hike in the wages. This matter was taken up in the board meeting. “Look at what your people are asking for”, said Chaturvedi, addressing Ramesh with sarcasm. “You know the critical financial situation of our company. How could you allow a demand that could not be met. You better explain to them how ridiculous these demands are”, he said. To this Ramesh responded, “I don’t think all these demands can be dismissed as ridiculous and the board can surely consider the alternatives. We owe at least that much to the union.”Chaturvedi did not pay any attention to this statement and instead he told Ramesh to “advice the union properly”. When Ramesh told the labour union that the board was not ready to consider their demands, the workers became angry and asked him “who do you really represent- us or them? You don’t sound like us anymore, it looks like you have become one of them.” Ramesh felt like a victim of divided loyalties.


Answered by ayushkeer1525


वर्तमान समय में तानाशाही या अधिनायकवाद उस शासन-प्रणाली को कहते हैं जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति (प्रायः सेनाधिकारी) विद्यमान नियमों की अनदेखी करते हुए के बल से शासन करता है।that they get a 30% hike in the wages. This matter was taken up in the board meeting. “Look at what your people are asking for”, said Chaturvedi, addressing Ramesh with sarcasm. “You know the critical financial situation of our company. How could you allow a demand that could not be met. You better explain to them how ridiculous these demands are”, he said. To this Ramesh responded, “I don’t think all these demands can be dismissed as ridiculous and the board can surely consider the alternatives. We owe at least that much to the union.”Chaturvedi did not pay any attention to this statement and instead he told Ramesh to “advice the union properly”. When Ramesh told the labour union that the board was not ready to consider their demands, the workers became angry and asked him “who do you really represent



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