Ratna Churamani, a resident of 15, Meerabagh, is concerned about the low voter turnout in her area, in the recent Lok Sabha elections despite the media campaign asking people to vote. She decides to write a letter to the Editor of The Gazette to draw the attention of the readers to the responsibilities of all citizens. She underlines that the key goal of participatory democracy is that citizens start sharing ‘the decision-making responsibility with the government.
can you please tell that what is your question?
Letter to the Editor of The Gazette to draw the attention of the readers to the responsibilities of all citizens:
15, Meerabagh
Date: 03.10.2021
The Editor
The Gazette
Prince Anwar Shah Road
Sub: Sharing my concern about the low voter turnout in my area
I am Ratna Churamani, a resident of 15, Meerabagh. I am a daily reader of your newspaper. In this letter, I want to share my concern about the low voter turnout in my area.
In the recent Lok Sabha election, the count of voters was very much low in my area. Several media campaigns were organised before the election but the result is saying that we failed to aware people of the responsibilities of all citizens. People should understand its importance. I want to tell them that the key goal of participatory democracy is that citizens start sharing ‘the decision-making responsibility with the government.
I would be obliged if my writing gets a little space in your esteemed daily.
Yours faithfully,
Ratna Churamani