English, asked by NaVila11, 11 months ago

reaarange the following to make meaningful sentences
i) enthusiasm /nothing /great without /achieved /ever /is.
ii) excellence /desire /enthusiasm average /changes /what /and /are /two.
iii) enthusiasm /in our lives /to do helps us /this is /what.
iv) feared by /snakes are /in our /worshipped /and /many /country.
v) of the /are venomous /only /300 out/ species /twenty seven hundred known.
vi) which is /yellow liquid /water/ snake venom /90% /is /a.


Answered by zozobond103

(i) Nothing is ever achieved great without enthusiasm.

(iv) In our country many snakes are feared by and worshipped.

(v) Only 300 out of the twenty seven hundred known species are venemous.

(vi) Tellow liquid water is a snake venom which is 90% snake venom

NaVila11: the last one is wrong
NaVila11: plz correct it
zozobond103: (vi) Snake venom is a yellow liquid which is 90% water
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