Biology, asked by rexonanton, 1 year ago

reabsorption is an important step in excretion.justify..
please keep the answer understandable with no abbreviations pls!!!


Answered by aurangzebkhanjaffar7


Let's suppose that a patient with the no kidneys and even no excretory system but whole the other systems are normal like you and me(blessings of Allah Almighty).Then what happens.


A docter stars to pinch a niddle into the peritoneal cavity where all the wastes material get accumulated, drained out of the body.Thus no reabsorption of the waste the docter drained.Within 4 to 5 such drainage by the docter will turn the patient totally abnormal in physic and partially in mentality.The drained sabstance which we were calling wastes contain 85%of the crucial substanses.

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