Biology, asked by katthenerd, 1 year ago

Read Changes on Earth and Changes in Life. Explain how changes in Earth’s systems affect the growth of life on Earth. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


Answered by suraj62111

The presence of small amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere warms Earth's surface, resulting in a planet that sustains liquid water and life. c. Changes in climate conditions can affect the health and function of ecosystems and the survival of entire species.


Answered by AbdJr10

hope the answer will help u


The essence of this principle is that life affects the climate system and in turn, the climate dictates where and how species can survive. Life affects the composition of the atmosphere and therefore the climate because different life forms take in and release gases like carbon dioxide, methane and oxygen at different rates. Climatic conditions help to shape various ecosystems and habitats around the globe. A particular climate can be a boon to one species and a devastation to another. As the climate changes, species and ecosystems respond by adapting, migrating or reducing their population. Gradual shifts in the climate are easier to adapt to than abrupt swings, and this is certainly true for humans as well as other species. Studies of Earth's climatic history indicate that climates have changed in the past and resulted in dramatic shifts in ecosystems. The most recent geological period the Holocene (about last 10,000 years), however, has been unusually stable.

Teaching this principle is supported by five key concepts.

Why are these topics important?

The manner in which the earth sustains life is of vital importance on many levels.

Throughout geologic history, life has affected the climate system and vice versa.

Extinctions of species, both in the geologic past and in the present day, can be linked to changes in climate.

Unraveling past climatic changes is key to understanding present and future shifts in the climate.

Changes in climate will result in shifting ecosystems. It is not possible to predict the specific effects of climate change on each of the world's ecosystems.

Although the concentrations of greenhouse gases have changed throughout Earth's history, there is no natural analog to today's rapid increases in human-created greenhouse gas emissions.

What makes these topics challenging to teach?

This principle ties in understanding of different scientific disciplines. Understanding the feedback between climate and life on Earth requires an understanding of biochemical processes like photosynthesis as well as basic climate science (eg. greenhouse effect). Students may confuse the natural greenhouse effect that makes life on Earth possible with the enhancement of the effect by the emission of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel burning (McCaffrey & Buhr, 2008). Students might find it counter-intuitive that plants get their mass from the carbon in the air through photosynthesis (Private Universe study), which is one of the key concepts of the carbon cycle.

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