Read conversation of two cattle rearers and answer the following questions.
First person :
Having one
cow. It is difficult to work hard a full day to find food for the cow.
Second person:
having two cows and some paddy cultivation. hay is given to cow and cow dung is used in paddy fields. so somehow going good.
a) Why do cattle rearing become unprofitable for the first person and profitable for the second person?
b) What are the benefits of doing paddy cultivation and cattle rearing together?

a)In cattle rearing, it is important to maintain the health of the cow so, the shed must be cleaned daily and proper food is essential. the excreta of cow must be disposed properly for adequate hygiene and cost for purchasing food , vaccinations makes it expensive to do only cattle rearing. but the second person need not buy feed for cow with much expense as hay is a very good food for cow and disposal of excreta of cow is much easier for him as cow dung can be used as an excellent manure for paddyfield.
b)as we all know in paddy cultivation , only rice is used remaining hay is a waste product but by doing paddy cultivation and cattle rearing together, even the considered waste paddy hay can be given to cattle as feed which minimize the feed expense of cattle and excretory waste of cattle is used as natural fertilizer which is eco friendly and reduce expense for fertilizer also maintains soil fertility.