English, asked by salim101255, 3 months ago

We've fallen on our feet and no
nce there were four children
mistake,' said Peter This is going to
whose names were Peter, Susan,
Edmund and Lucy This story is
be perfectly splendid That old chap
will let us do anything we like!
about something that happened to
then when they were sent away from
I think he's an old dear, said Susan
London during the way because of
"Oh, come off it!' said Edmund, who
thes They were sent to the was tired and pretending not to be
house of an old Professor who lived
tired, which always made him
the leart of the country, ten miles
bad-tempered 'Don't go on talking
from the nearest railway station and
like that
ones from the nearest post
alice He had no wife and he lived in
Like what? said Susan, and anyway,
It's time you were in bed!
a very large house with a
pousekeeper called Mrs Macready Trying to talk like Mother, said
and three servants (Their names were Edmund. And who are you to say
wy, Wargaret and Betty, but they do when I'm to go to bed? Go to bed
not come into the story much ) He yourself
wirrself was a very old man with
shaggy white hair which grew over
"Hadn't we all better go to bed?' said
Lucy. There's sure to be a row if we're
most of his face as well as on his
heard talking here'
head and they liked him almost at
once but on the first evening when 'No there won't, said Peter I tell
he came out to meet them at the you this is the sort of house where
teorit door he was so odd-looking that no one's going to mind what we do.
way (who was the youngest) was a
Anyway, they won't hear us. It's about
little afraid of him and Edmund (who ten minutes' walk from here down to
was the next youngest) wanted to that dining room, and any amount of
laugh and had to keep on pretending stairs and passages in between
he was blowing his nose to hide it.
air raids an attack in which a
As soon as they had said goodnight
number of aircraft drop
to the professor and gone upstairs on
bombs on a place
the first night, the boys came into the
shaggy untidy
os raomand they all talked it over


Answered by kunuchouhans628


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