English, asked by Anant1668, 11 months ago

Read Lola's argument that people need college degrees. It seems like every high school student is expected to go to college. Some teenagers resent the pressure this expectation puts on them. But we teens have to be realistic. A college degree is necessary in today's world. Most employers today require job applicants to have a college degree. Many jobs require specific skills acquired through college courses geared to that profession. Of course, not every job requires the exact subject matter you learned at college. But employers are looking for people with perseverance, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate. Those are things you will learn during your years at college. What is the best evaluation of the evidence Lola provides?


Answered by Nyaberiduke

A college degree is important but not mandatory for a person to land on the best job march .There are skills obtained out of college that really matter that just a  degree .And perhaps if every one wants to get a white collar job who is going to do the casual jobs ?

This is a notion of doom and as depicted by Lola this notion is built deeply onto the minds of the teenagers .Take for instance music .It does not require a degree but has  real pays .Other  fields like drawing and so may other skills desired by employers but simply because students think a degree is every thing they end up nowhere .Lola 's argument is actual the truth of the matter .

Answered by Sidyandex

lola here, is telling a fact which is actually true.

Today, we need a college degree to get a job.

It is a necessity and no one will get a job without the degree.

It is mandatory nowadays.

So college degree assures the skills that the applicant will posess.

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